I created this “Spell with Flickr” word to use as an image for my Learnist learning board on TBLT (Task Based Language Teaching). Why did I decide to create a Learnist board on TBLT? Because, of course, I have real work to do that I don’t really want to apply myself to! I have almost (no, not really) convinced myself that because the Learning board is about TBLT that I am really working. I have a presentation to do next Friday (21st September) on the report that is due in the first week of October. I also have a presentation to do to the BOT on elearning in my school, and 140 medical forms to process for the outdoor education camp that I am organising in Tongariro National Park in November. You can see why I am creating Learnist boards!
So what does FONF mean? Better go and have a look at my board!