A mad few days of PD

I have been lucky enough to enjoy a rich seam of excellent discussion and professional and personal learning over the last few days.  Here are my round ups of the days before I forget everything!

Thursday 14th November
ILEP Meeting the Challenge – Building on TPDL

Friday 15th November
ConnectED Kura Hakari13 – celebrating 2013

Friday / Saturday 15th & 16th November

Curso de Cine en la clase de espanol

advert for Spanish cinema course
More on the Spanish cinema course after I complete the course next week.  Now down to some catch up work for school after I have cheered my boy on as he races Round the Bridges in Hamilton.

Storybirds en Espanol

Storybirds are a great way of getting students writing but there is a hitch – they only allow Storybirds written in English to be made public as they cannot check foreign language stories for inappropriate language.  However, you can share them and get a URL so that friends can read them.  Hopefully this one works!  I have written these two stories for my students to read and because I asked them to write their own stories.  We have shared those on our school classroom pages but so far they are reluctant for them to be made available to the wider world!

Cover of book in Spanish called Mi Familia

Cover for book called "Los Animales" with alligator on the front

Spanish stuff ….

Flower on beach in Whakatane
Coastal plant on beach in Whakatane

I have recently set up a blog to log what I have been doing with my Spanish classes and also comment on my Google Site about things I use and do in Spanish.



Why more than one site?  Well, I set up blogs in different sites to explore how they all worked as part of my work in school as the IT Teacher Coach – my job title seems to have recently changed to “elearning mentor” but essentially I help my colleagues blending ICT tools into their teaching and provide support for them to hone their technical skills.  Now that I know which one I like best, I should really bin the rest but I somehow can’t bring myself to do that!


I was invited to “Learnist” yesterday and I couldn’t resist playing with it today.  It looks like it could be a great way of curating resources – websites, videos, pictures and documents around a theme to create a Learning Board.  I decided to make one to help people learn the Present Tense in Spanish.

At the moment you can only log in through Facebook, which is a bit limiting if you don’t have a FB account.  Nor is there a mobile app just yet.  However, reading the comments on the home page, it sounds like they are looking into creating other ways to log in and also plan to create an app. Have a look at my board and see what you think. It is very basic but only took me about half an hour to create. I am sure that with more effort I could add more of my own resources and personalise it.
