RE-TYING THE TEACHING KNOT – The Learning Lesson Series

bowline knot in blue caving rope speckled with pink on a wooden benchI came across this blog from a link on Twitter.  First of all, it resonated with me because I love tying knots – a superficial ‘pull in’ to reading but it just shows the power of a title. As I read it, though, I related so closely to the story. Learning is all about the people in the room, about how they learn, when they learn and why they learn.  Teaching is about constantly considering those learners, reflecting on what you do, re-thinking practice and adapting or even re-inventing what you do to meet the needs of all your learners.

Read on:

“Today, you will learn to tie a bowline knot,” I say. Then quickly add, “Mastery for the lesson I am teaching is you tying the knot three times without assistance. My goal is to have everyone achie…

Source: RE-TYING THE TEACHING KNOT – The Learning Lesson Series

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